Template Customization
Good to know: your product docs aren't just a reference of all your features! use them to encourage folks to perform certain actions and discover the value in your product.
The basics
We use Smarty Templating Engine to Render Template. Here is the current structure. and how it works.
For each file that Person is landed on we load the HTML file of it using Smarty. E.g
When user open /watch_video.php, for smarty, we have watch_video.html file present in /styles/template/layout/ folder
template_directory is basically a placeholder by default template_directory is cb_28
Directory Structure
/Layout Directory
it has all the HTML files of the template and that is where you edit the files. to access this folder dynamically use {$tyles_dir}
/theme Directory
this is where we place our CSS files, this is to include them easily and place them seperately.
/images Directory
This directory is where we place our images file required for any template and to access it
Common Variables
returns the base url of the website
to access the images folder URL of the template
to access the theme folder of the URL
Objects & Methods That you can use
$vdo object from Video.class.php
$userquery object from User.class.php
Basically all is mentioned in /includes/common.php
and all PHP functions...because smarty support PHP
in Vodlix we use two parenthesis {{ }} for smarty while for ClipBucket we use single.
So in case of ClipBucket if you enter a JS code such as data({'yes','test'}) it will throw an error so you will have to wrap this kind of a code in {literal} ... {/literal}
Template Editing in Action
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