ClipBucket was inspired by Wordpress For the Development however its not as efficient as Wordpress, we will try to get things done vial available options
Good news is Vodlix & ClipBucket share the same Core for the Plugins
Folder Strucuture
- plugins
|- plugin_name.php
|- plugin_name_install.php //Call when plugin is about to install
|- plugin_name_uninstall.php //Caled when plugin is about to uninstall
- plugins
Plugin Meta
Just like wordpress, you have mention the plugin detail at the top in comments just as shown below
Plugin Name: Global announcement
Description: This will let you post a global announcement on your website
Author: Arslan Hassan
ClipBucket Version: 1.8
Plugin Version: 1.0
Plugin Installation Script
This is pure PHP Script, nothing fancy, we usually just call DB Queries in it. e.g
//Creating Table for anncoument if not exists
function install_global_announcement()
global $db;
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.tbl("global_announcement").' (
`announcement` text NOT NULL
//inserting new announcment
$db->Execute("INSERT INTO ".tbl('global_announcement')." (announcement) VALUES ('')");
//This will first check if plugin is installed or not, if not this function will install the plugin details
Plugin Uninstall Script
//Function used to uninstall Plugin
function un_install_global_announcement()
global $db;
'DROP TABLE '.tbl("global_announcement").''